CoESPU (Center of Excelence Stability Police Unit)

This June I ordered from INP HQ to attend a course in Italy named CoESPU (Center of Excelence Stability Police Unit), sound strange huh ? so untill the opening of the course I didn’t know what the porpuse of this course….

This course is located in Carabinieri academy in Vicenza, Italy. Previously it was the school of Carabinieri warrant officer, nowdays by the help of G-8 countries this intitution has change to be international police training center. The main task of this institution is to make Stability Police Unit (SPU) wich spesified to deployed to any UN Misssion in all the world. Their job is to stabilize any civilian clash yet the UN by the mandate of Security Counsil has take a part in that particular place……

( this is a 1 st part )